Valor Park.
A first-class residential development on 50+ acres in Bay City, Texas, featuring more than 200 new single-family homesites and amenities.

We are excited to provide new, single-family housing for Bay City residents. This development will help Matagorda County businesses attract and retain a talented workforce. It also solves a problem for the local school district regarding what to do with the property that had become a liability, while becoming a net positive for enrollment.
Lynn Development announces Valor Park
We’re building more than homes.
We build lifestyles. We’re building the American Dream.
Lynn Development has announced a new, first-class residential subdivision project in Bay City, Texas. The 54.5-acre tract located on Carey Smith Blvd., also known as 16th Street, between Nichols Avenue and Avenue M will be home to approximately 230 residential lots and amenities.
Lot sizes will allow for homes of various sizes to be constructed throughout the neighborhood. There are portions of the subdivision planned for 50’ to 70’ lots. The developer plans to feature a lead builder and grant additional builders access to offer a diversity of floor plans and price points for residents.
“This project is excellent for our community,” said Jessica Russell, executive director of the Bay City Community Development Corporation. “Every study tells us that Bay City needs housing at this price point. I’m overjoyed to work with a local developer to bring this project to fruition. Valor Park has my full support.”

More about Valor Park
Valor Park, the 200-plus new home subdivision, has the potential to significantly increase the City of Bay City’s tax base, as well as that of the Bay City Independent School District. Additionally, the project represents a possible enrollment increase of 490 new students for BCISD.
“Our mission is to positively impact the lives of our employees, clients, and communities,” said Stuart A. Lynn, P.E., Founder and CEO of Lynn Development, Matagorda County resident and native. “We are excited to provide new single-family housing for Bay City residents. This development will help Matagorda County businesses attract and retain a talented workforce. It also solves a problem for the local school district regarding what to do with the property that had become a liability, while becoming a net positive for enrollment.”
Additional property taxes for approximately 230 homes will generate millions in additional funding for the district over the coming decade. At the current annual tax funding rate of $8,800 per student, and a demographic average of two students per household, the subdivision would potentially generate more than $4,000,000 per year in new revenue for the ISD once completed.
“We are excited about the sale of this property to the Lynn Group, and we see it as a win-win. We can’t wait to see what they will accomplish with this land, and we hope to see many BCISD families making their homes there,” said Dr. Marshall Scott III, Superintendent of Schools, Bay City ISD at the time of the transaction.
The announcement follows a 6-0 vote of the Bay City Independent School District Board of Trustees on Monday evening, July 19, 2021, instructing legal counsel to proceed with the sale agreement of the 18.325-acre tract of property at Avenue M, formerly the Bay City Intermediate School.
“It is an honor to partner with the BCISD school board trustees and Dr. Scott regarding the sale of the old junior high school and property,” said Lynn. “Our company believes in this project, and the local school system, and we are prepared to make a substantial up-front investment without the need for issuing bonds or funding the project through proposed tax increases on existing residents.”
As part of the agreement, Lynn Development will assume responsibility for asbestos removal, building demolition, and site cleanup. The buildings on the property have long surpassed their useful lives and have been vacant for some time. Their sale removes a liability from BCISD and jumpstarts the subdivision project, including the neighboring 38-acres.